International Students From And In Africa Impacting The World


In response to the rising tide of missions from Africa to the nations, two of Africa’s missionaries to the West and both staff of International Student Ministries Canada (Yaw Perbi of Ghana and Ezekiel Jako of Kenya) came together to initiate Pan Africa International Students (PAIS) to harness both centrifugal and centripetal movements of international students and scholars from and to Africa.

PAIS Focus

  • Pan Africa International Students (PAIS) is coming in to raise students as LEADERS in their various fields, empowered African Internationals ready for Global impact
  • PAIS also envisions a movement of Christian international students leaving Africa to other continents as a mission force. PAIS plans to prepare them in discipleship and cross-cultural competencies.
Artificial DNA strand


Our Vision

Empowered International Students From And In Africa Impacting The World

Our Mission

To partner with universities, local churches and Christian organizations for synergy in loving, training, equipping and sending international students for global impact.

Our Blog

PAIS Has A Threefold Mandate

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