

In response to the rising tide of missions from Africa to the nations, two of Africa’s missionaries to the West and both staff of International Student Ministries Canada (Yaw Perbi of Ghana and Ezekiel Jako of Kenya) came together to initiate Pan Africa International Students (PAIS) to harness both centrifugal and centripetal movements of international students and scholars from and to Africa.

Progress So Far

  • The work of International Student Ministry (ISM) has been going on in Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and the rest of the African continent to some extent through LIFE Ministry (Campus Crusade for Christ), FOCUS (Fellowship Of Christian Unions), GHAFES (Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students), SIM, the Navigators, and other campus ministries.

  • A number of churches have grown some form of ministry to internationals as well.

  • However, the focus has mainly been to the international students with Christian backgrounds through Christian Unions in various campuses. Even then, there has not been a strong missional component. There also hasn’t been an organization solely focused on international students.

PAIS Focus

  • Pan Africa International Students (PAIS) is coming in to enhance this vital work with the main focus on students from non-Christian background as a missions outreach.
  • PAIS also envisions a movement of Christian international students leaving Africa to other continents as a mission force. PAIS plans to prepare them in discipleship and cross-cultural competencies.
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Our Vision

Empowered International Students From And In Africa Impacting The World

Our Mission

To partner with universities, local churches and Christian organizations for synergy in loving, training, equipping and sending international students for global impact.


1. To help international students and scholars have a good educational experience.

2. To meet basic felt needs (physical, social, emotional and spiritual) of international students.

3. To train, equip and deploy international students for local and global impact.

4. To establish and maintain a positive relationship with international students advisors & chaplains in the universities.

5. To mobilize and equip the Church for reaching international students.

6. To provide capacity building for international students, staff of local churches and Christian organizations.